October 2013 – New Online Shop
Our new Online Shop is now open. And for a linited period, any purchase entitles you to a free download of The Scarborough Fair Ringtone...!
Absolutely must have...!
June 2013 – New EP – The Scarborough Fair EP
The MQE's brand new take on the traditional English folk song. Very much a statement of intent for the forthcoming third MQE album, the EP is available now from all major download sites, including of course i-Tunes
and Amazon
Physical CD copies of The Scarborough Fair EP and all our other records are now available from our Online Shop
The Scarborough Fair video is now up on You Tube...
Plus...there's also the full length album version...
February 2013 – James McKay quits MQE!
James' book Quiet Circus was published in Spring of 2011, and his subsequent commitments have made MQE activity difficult to coordinate. Finally he's announced his decision to leave the group. We're sad to see him go, but it was becoming inevitable. We wish him all the very best.
August 2010 – MQE play at Hawkfest on the Isle Of Wight.
James, Dave and Alan are joined on stage by Neil Ramshaw (Drums and Percussion) and Andy May (Keyboards and Northumbrian Pipes). Neil's played on various tracks on both of the albums anyway, while Andy, already well known throughout the Folk world as a virtuoso, brings a further dimension to the MQE's live sound.
December 2008 – New Single – Peace And Love (Call Up
"...When peace and love are gone...
Call up heaven...
Ask to speak to John..."
The brand new download-only single 'Peace And Love (Call Up Heaven)'
featuring a fantastic guest vocal from Kathryn Williams is out now...download
from i-Tunes
November 2006 – At last! A second album from the Morris Quinlan Experience!
The new album:
Follow onFive years after their first, The Morris Quinlan Experience, startled the world with its unique brand of alt rock poetry collision, the MQE is back with a brand new voice and a brand new album.
Follow On starts in the year the Smiths won the Eurovision Song Contest and ends in an eternal insomniac 3am, via a dream of urban Utopia, a rainy lunchtime in Newcastle, short winter days and short summer nights. Highlights along the way include a meditation on what a terrible job it is being God, and a tribute to Beat poet Allen Ginsberg.
“I think of the album as a grow-your-own-movie kit,” says new poet James McKay. “The poems plant seeds in the imagination and the music creates a huge fertile space for them to grow into.” And what a movie - Follow On’s soundtrack is sometimes dreamy, sometimes sleazy, occasionally apocalyptic.
Hey, epics happen...
Nov '06